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Jean-François "Paco" Meuwly 



Actor - Social Worker


Fluent: French, Spanish, English 

Basics: German, Italian

Before starting his theatrical career, Jean-François "Paco" Meuwly studies Political Science and Social Work.

In 2009 he participates, as part of the cast of guests, to the first Latin American meeting of Teatro del Oprimido (Theatre of the Oppressed) in Jujuy, Argentina.

Throughout the years, he traines and studies with teachers such as F. Soleri (Commedia dell'Arte), R. Borghi (Teatro Promiscuo, Brazil), R. Carreri (Odin Teatret, Denmark), Antón Valén (Cirque du Soleil, Spain), Hervé Langlois (Royal Clown Company, France) Pierrik Malebranche (Phillipe Genty, France) and Emma Bonnici (Song of The Goat, Poland), among others.

From 2011 to 2016, he is a member of the Swiss company “Les Joueurs”, directed by the teacher M. Alexandrovskaya.

Then, in 2017, he attends the annual training at the International School of Theatre Creation and Movement Cabuia of Buenos Aires, Argentina.

While continuing with his socio-educational activities, he is co-directing and performing for the company "DesAires Teatro" based in Lausanne, Switzerland. He also directs continuous training courses for social workers and he is currently attending a Master's Degree in Physical Theatre at the Accademia Teatro Dimitri in Verscio, Switzerland.

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